03/31/17  Several Events In South Arkansas Tomorrow


The annual Health Fair, sponsored by DASH and the Dallas County Medical Center will kick off tomorrow morning at 9 at the Fordyce Civic Center... Dallas County Health Unit administrator, Donna Ferguson says there will be free screening for cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure.

There will be mammogram tests too..but that is by appointment only. And lots of free health information covering a wide range of topics. You can get your child's car seat checked..there's entertainment..finger painting and face painting..bingo and door prizes. The Health Fair begins at 9am and ends at noon.

At Thornton tomorrow..the kickoff for the Calhoun County Hogskin Holidays Festival with a barbeque dinner from 4:30 till 6pm at the Thornton Fire Station. There will be entertainment featuring the White Mustang band.. Jimmy Martin and the Spiritualaires and other groups. There will be valuable door prizes. Thornton Step-by-Step is sponsor of the event.

The South Arkansas Homesteading Conference kicks off at Pioneer Village in Rison today at 11 with garden and high tunnel demonstrations, aquaponics, cheese making and homesteading enterprises, conference founder, Britt Talent explained.  Other sessions are scheduled for tomorrow beginning at 9am with a session on beekeeping.

There's a Pioneer Village Supper and entertainment tonight at 6pm with a fellowship time following.

CASA will be involved in both the Health Fair and the Homesteading Conference. Lisa Harvill of CASA explained how.