03/16/17  Pesticide Collection Scheduled For Dallas And Ouachita Counties


A pesticide collection service will take place in Ouachita and Dallas Counties this coming week. In Dallas county on Monday, March 20 and in Ouachita County the next day. Dallas county extension agent Keith Gresham says this is an opportunity for Dallas County residents to get rid of pesticides that have been stored with no way to dispose of them.

In Dallas county, the collection service will take place Monday, March 20, at the Dallas County Fair Grounds next to the city hall complex downtown from 8am till 1pm. Ouachita County extension agent Keri Welch told us what the goal of the project is.

In Ouachita county the collection will take place on Tuesday March 21,  from 8am till 1 pm at the extension office location at 2760 Mt Holly Road.

If you're interested in bringing your pesticides to the event, contact the Ouachita County Farm Bureau Office at 870-836 -6491 to pre-register. Name and address will be removed from the registration form so that anonymity may be  provided. In Dallas County, contact Keith Gresham for more information at 870-352-3505.