10/04/16   What To Do With Granny's House - Meeting This Afternoon


The committee chosen to decide what to do with the Granny's House property in Fordyce will meet for the first time this afternoon at 5 at City Hall in Fordyce. Fordyce Mayor John MacNichol asked City Councilmen John Daniel, Barbara Spears and Melvin Collins to serve on the committee and Dallas County Judge Jimmy Jones named Dallas County JP's John Meador, Edith Totty and Wendell Lee to serve as the county's representatives.

One of the concerns in cleaning up the property is the estimated $25,000.00 price tag on cleaning up asbestos from the site. Another concern is who came in and gutted the building of things of value. Mayor MacNichol says he's hopeful the committee will be able to come up with solutions and answers to those concerns.

Mayor MacNichol, County Judge Jones and City-County Attorney Tom Wynne will meet with the committee at this evening's meeting.