10/19/15  FCC Could Cost Arkansas Millions In Revenue


The state's jails and prisons stand to lose millions of dollars in revenue if the F-C-C votes this week to slash inmate telephone rates. According to a report in the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, the rule change, proposed by F-C-C chairman Tom Wheeler and Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, would limit state and federal inmate calls to no more than a dollar 65 for a 15 minute  call. The rate caps for jails range from 14 cents a minute to 22 cents per minute based on inmate population numbers.

The proposal also “strongly discourages” but does not restrict jails and prisons from collecting a commission on the phone calls, a practice that is expected to generate more than 3 million dollars for the Arkansas prison system this fiscal year.

Governor Asa Hutchinson says if the FCC does adopt this as a final rule, it will cost not only our state prison system in excess of a million dollars, but will impact county jails which recoup fees from prisoner in a similar fashion.  The Governor said there's a cost impact to both the state and the counties that will have to be addressed. The proposal, which would go into effect early next year, is on the agenda for the FCC's meeting Thursday in Washington.