09/21/15  Melrose Bagwell Discusses Constitution Week


The celebration of the Constitution of the United States runs through Wednesday. It's a celebration signed into law by President Eisenhower back in 1956 at the request of the Daughters of the American Revolution.

Melrose Bagwell of Fordyce is a member of the Trace Chapter of the D-A-R and recently on KQ-102.3's South Arkansas Today, she talked about the constitution and the D-A-R.  She touched upon the power of the Supreme Court as laid out in the constitution.

The constitution has 44 hundred words.  Thomas Jefferson didn't sign the constitution.  He was in France during the convention, where he served as U-S minister. One of the signors of the Constitution was James Madison.  When work on the constitution was completed Madison went on to play a major part in its ratification process by joining John Jay and Alexander Hamilton in writing the Federalist Papers.  He served as a U-S representative, Secretary of State and President of the U-S.   He outlived all the other Founding Fathers.  He was 85 when he died.