08/21/15  NRA Banquet Set For Saturday In Camden


The Ouachita County Friends of the NRA banquet will be held tomorrow night at Jim Golden Ford-Lincoln in Camden.  On a recent South Arkansas Today broadcast on KQ-102.3, Krissy Basetti of Jim Golden talked about the event.

Basetti said the gun of the year is a Ruger. An NRA representative will be on hand to welcome all those attending.  Krissy said ticket sales have been good.

Basetti said fifty percent of the money raised tomorrow night will remain here in Arkansas.

Lots of items will be auctioned off.

Neither Dallas or Calhoun County have a Friends of the NRA chapter.  Basetti said Union County is putting one together.  For more information call Krissy Basetti at 870-866-2769.  You can still buy tickets in advance if you prefer or at the door.