07/23/15  Free Face Book Training For Small Businesses


Free Facebook training for small business owners is being offered at the Camden Accelerated Business Services Center at the OPED building on Adams Avenue in Camden next month. On August 4,  from 9:30-11:30 a basic course will be offered to help small business owners evaluate how Facebook and other social media can help their marketing efforts. 

Topics will include: What is Facebook?  How does Facebook and other social media help a business?  Is it right for my business?  How do  I set up a Facebook page for my business? 

Those attending the course will be able to develop a sample Facebook page for their business using a step-by-step guide. All those attending should have  basic computer skills but the workshop is definitely for novices. A course on Advanced Facebook will be offered that afternoon from 1-3pm. This course is a step-by-step from Facebook ABC's for Business Seminar. Those attending will be hands-on with computers and will be shown step-by-step how to create various marketing techniques for their business on Facebook. Everyone attending should have basic computer skills and already have a personal Facebook profile.